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Sam Witteveen and I started the TensorFlow and Deep Learning Singapore group on MeetUp in February 2017, and the thirty-fourth MeetUp was the first under its new name "Machine Learning Singapore" (or MLSG for short).

Our presentation "Back to the cutting edge - How Transformers are being applied everywhere" was in two parts:

  • "Transformers : Beyond NLP & Language Models" - Sam :

    • How the Transformer architecture has made it's way out of just being used for text to
      • Computer Vision tasks
      • Geometric deep learning
      • ... and more
  • "PerceiverIO & PonderNet - DeepMind hype or the future?" - Martin :

    • The newest iteration of the Perceiver architecture
      • how it can be applied to a whole variety of different inputs and outputs
    • And DeepMind's "PonderNet" that can think for longer "like a human does"...

The slides for my talk are here :

Presentation Screenshot

If there are any questions about the presentation please ask below, or contact me using the details given on the slides themselves.

Presentation Content Example