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Learning Language with BERT


Sam Witteveen and I started the TensorFlow and Deep Learning Singapore group on MeetUp in February 2017, and the twentieth MeetUp, aka TensorFlow and Deep Learning: Happy Birthday TensorFlow, was again hosted by Google Singapore.

We were honoured to have two Google Brain team members speak at the event :

  • Rachel Lim talking about ("Beyond the Basics"); and
  • Chuan Yu Foo talking about TFX ("Complete ML Pipelines")

For my part, I gave a talk titled "Language Learning with BERT", which discussed the basics of Google's newly released BERT natural language processing model.

Sam rounded out the evening with an entertaining look at the Big-GAN models available on TF-Hub.

The slides for my talk are here :

Presentation Screenshot

If there are any questions about the presentation please ask below, or contact me using the details given on the slides themselves.

Presentation Content Example

The presentation was kindly recorded by