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Back to Basics 03


Sam Witteveen and I started the TensorFlow and Deep Learning Singapore group on MeetUp in February 2017, and the thirty-third MeetUp was the last in a three-part series aimed at getting total beginners up to speed, so that we can resume our regular MeetUp series.

Our presentation was in two parts:

  • My initial talk, that :

    • Gave a brief outline of the use-cases for Transformers for NLP tasks
    • Introduced two new Layers : Tokenisation and Transformer
    • Outlined the BERT task, and how we could then apply Transfer Learning
  • Sam did a Code-Along using Google Colab, where he lead the audience through :

    • Loading and preparing an App review dataset
    • Building a TensorFlow (Hugging Face) BERT Classifier
    • Fine-tuning the model on our dataset, and looking at the outputs

The slides for my talk are here :

Presentation Screenshot

If there are any questions about the presentation please ask below, or contact me using the details given on the slides themselves.

Presentation Content Example