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NIPS Tutorial Synposis


Sam Witteveen and I started the TensorFlow and Deep Learning Singapore group on MeetUp in February 2017, and the eleventh MeetUp, aka TensorFlow and Deep Learning: NIPS review, was again hosted by Google Singapore.

The line-up of talks included :

  • My talk on 'Practice and Trends' (which was a condensed version of the first Tutorial session by Oriol Vinyals and Scott Reed);
  • Olzhas describing Capsule Networks using an extensive deck;
  • Chaitanya (a researcher from EPFL, now at SAP via NTU) presenting "Personalization in Goal-Oriented Dialog", a paper which he co-wrote and was featured in the NIPS Conversational Agents Workshop; and
  • Sam looking at the developments in the space of ML that creates other ML models (eg: AutoML).

I didn't present the paper that Sam and I had at the NIPS ViGiL workshop, since the code there was rather too PyTorch-y to show at Google offices...

Presentation Screenshot

If there are any questions about the presentation please ask below, or contact me using the details given on the slides themselves.

Presentation Content Example

If you're looking for a more in-depth map of the original talk (timings of slides, and topics), there's a bunch of rough notes commented out below... (visible if you do a RightClick-View-Source)