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Secure Backup with reverse encfs


Back-up the server onto an insecure host

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $home='/home/whatever';

if(1) {  # Mount the server directory on the encfs mount-point
system(qq(mkdir -p $home/server-enc/));

# The -S option is to read the password from stdin
# The mount options passed include 'read-only'
my $encfs_config=qq(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$home/server_dot-encfs6.xml);

# Store the encfs password locally - so it doesn't appear in a command line
system(qq(cat $home/.encfs_passwd | $encfs_config encfs -S --reverse /mnt/seagate250/server/ $home/server-enc/ -- -o ro));

if(1) { # Run actual rsync
# This has been added to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list on the remote server
my $key="$home/fs_server-fieldstone-key";

my $ssh_options=qq(--rsh=ssh -e "ssh -i $key");
my $bandwidth=qq(--bwlimit=50);  # This is in kB/sec
my $options=qq(--archive --compress --recursive --progress --stats);
my $remote=qq(whoever\;
system(qq(rsync $options $bandwidth $ssh_options $home/server-enc/ $remote/server/));

if(1) { # UnMount the server directory from the encfs mount-point
system(qq(fusermount -u $home/server-enc/));

Mount the backup to retrieve files (don't overwrite original, yet)

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $home='/home/whatever';

if(1) { # Mount the encrypt image on the remote server here
system(qq(mkdir -p $home/backup-ssh-enc/));
my $remote=qq(whoever\;

# This has been added to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list on the remote server
my $key="$home/fs_server-fieldstone-key";

# or : -o password_stdin
system(qq(sshfs -o IdentityFile=$key $remote/server/ $home/backup-ssh-enc/));

if(1) { # - and, from there, mount the plain-text version
system(qq(mkdir -p $home/backup-plain/));

# The -S option is to read the password from stdin
# The mount options passed include 'read-only'
my $encfs_config=qq(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$home/server_dot-encfs6.xml);
system(qq(cat $home/.encfs_passwd | $encfs_config encfs -S $home/backup-ssh-enc/ $home/backup-plain/));

Un-mount the backup to retrieve files (cleanup)

# Afterwards, unmount the directories with the following :
# fusermount -u $home/backup-plain
# fusermount -u $home/backup-ssh-enc